Day 9: Here Comes the Sun

Today is the 9th day of being in China and the second day of camp, but it is the first day that I have seen the sun shine and the blue skies since coming here. The sun is the source of my happiness and when I saw it, I couldn't believe it. The pollution had dispersed and the sky was absolutely brilliant. I'm conscious about how appreciative I am of the sun and the clean air that we have back home but being here has just reaffirmed my love for it. Camp was far less chaotic today than it was yesterday, however we still have a lot of work to do. Whenever I am in the presence of children, I am always in awe at their imagination and their colorful expressive minds. One of my student told me that she "colored what she felt". Her picture of dolphins jumping out of the ocean was described as coming from her imagination. Today I got three more kids added to my group making the count to thirteen. The majority of the children that I work with do ...