Next stop: Stuttgart, Germany

May 18th, 2016

I've known since November when I was studying abroad in Mexico that I would be traveling to Germany in June and now that the time is approaching fast, it feels unreal. I am beyond excited to be working with the same internship program that I worked with last summer when I was in Beijing, China. On June 12th, I will be leaving for Stuttgart, Germany and working on a military base until August 20th. Then I will be extending my stay until towards the end of September before I start school again for Fall to explore Europe and ultimately to grow. Being here has actually opened my eyes to the world and to the reality that I was living in. So many people go through their daily lives, uninterested in genuine connections and just simply "passing through". I do not want to simply "pass through" life. 

With the combination of staying an extra term Freshmen year, studying abroad, and coming in with some extra credits, I suddenly went from a Freshmen 3 years ago to graduating. Although I will not be officially done until Fall of 2016, I am done with my undergraduate studies 2 terms early. I have debated for many months whether this was the right decision. Ending my undergrad early seemed like I was rushing my experience and not enjoying all that I could with my time here. But knowing that I will (eventually) be working on my Master's degree in Education, I know that higher education and the school system will continue to be a part of my life. 

Being back in Eugene and going to school at the University of Oregon has felt strange and unfamiliar...The places that I once loved didn't have the same smell that they used to or the same feel that I once felt in those spaces. After traveling for 6 months, I knew that my journey would begin again soon and now 6 months later, it's finally here. But without a doubt, I have had some incredible opportunities. My love for children and education continues to grow as I mentor, lead, and educate at the Creswell Elementary school that I work at. These bright kids are full of life, energy, and beauty. This term, I've also been able to work closely with a Bilingual school called El Camino del Rio. I am speechless as I watch them interact and communicate in 2 different languages without thought or hesitation. Through the time that I spent with them, I have been able to work on Math, Reading, and writing with them. 

Now that this year is quickly coming to end, I am left with what many Seniors are asked with, "what are your plans after undergrad?"...and the truth is, I have absolutely no idea. There are so many options (unlimited, in fact) that to choose just one, for now, seems silly and illogical. As a result, I am not going to apply to just one thing, but perhaps everything! I have a couple more months before I need to figure that part of my future out...more to be revealed :)


June 14th, 2016
I attended my one (and only) graduation ceremony at 10 in the morning on Sunday then an hour later, got a ride with some friends to Portland to begin my trip! 
After 2 layovers (one in Canada and one in London), I have finally arrived in Stuttgart, Germany and surprisingly this time with all of my luggage. With barely any sleep, but a restless body, I didn't get to sleep until midnight and was woken up at 8 this morning for a planned day of logistics, presentations, and walk throughout downtown. We attempted to get identification cards but ran into some complications with the agency and will be returning later. Some people also bought phones. Since I am on an international data plan, anyone can text me if they would like, but I will be unable to receive calls. However, skype and Face time is always an option, just keep in mind that I am 9 hours ahead :) We went grocery shopping at a store nearby, but the base pretty much as everything (you can only access it if you have a military ID). We are staying in rather nice living situations (a hotel to be exact) with access to breakfast (and coffee) every morning, a recreation center, a kitchen, and so many more commodities. Already so excited for what this summer holds!


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