Dear Mexico,

And just like that, 3 months passed by, a whole term was completed and friendships, memories, and bonds were created. Goodbyes are so painfully hard for me...and this one might be the worst yet. I still remember the day when every smell and sight was foreign, every face was unfamiliar and every taste was new. Now I have a routine, a place that I call home and people that I love.Looking back, I can honestly say that Mexico was one of the best experiences of my life. I haven't really had the time to reflect about everything that has happened here which feels incredible because I've been truly enjoying and loving each moment. As these last few days come to end, it honestly feels really weird to be leaving here...I never thought that I would be this unprepared. Beautiful experiences for me, are often difficult to depart from, but eventually my mind and my soul is ready to leave a place when the time comes. I've been traveling for almost 6 months now and stability feels undesirable, unattainable. Here's a letter to a place that will always remain dear and close to my heart.

Dear Mexico,
Your rumors of despair and corruption
Are far from the truth.
The painted depiction of drug cartels and prostitution
Of crooked cops and missing children
Are not all that you have to offer.
Yes they embody your reality
But along with passionate protests
One can find some of the purest clearest water,
The strongest kindest people.
And your culture?
Mexico, your preserved history reveals a story
A story that is composed of hardship
Of terrible wars and many stolen lives.
But your celebration of death,
Your central focus on family,
The way that you live each moment.
From brightly colored fireworks
To decorated meaningful altars,
And to horseback riding through the mountains.
Mexico, I fell in love with your vibrant buildings
Your intricate grand churches
And your salty warm oceans.
But mostly I fell in love with you.
I will never forget your surrealist castle
The taste of pulque in my mouth
Or climbing the ancient pyramids.
Because of you, quesadillas and tacos will never be the same.
You are more than just children begging on the streets
Or cold nights and blazing afternoons.
You are the Aztecs, Olmecs, and the Mayans combined.
You are the sun god of Huitzilopochtli
Mexico, you are all of these things and more to me.
You are a messy flawlessly beautiful masterpiece.
Te amo y te voy a extrañar.

Con amor,


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