6 Day Road Trip into the Wild

It’s been less than 2 weeks and already I miss so many things about QuerĂ©taro, Mexico. I miss taking a stroll down to the centro where hundreds of people would be enjoying their evenings with their loved ones close beside them, where children ran around throwing colorful lit up flying objects into the air and where families reunited for a warm dinner. I miss the evenings where I would gather in my friend’s apartment for a BBQ and where strangers from all over the world would become good friends with me. I miss the city lights as the taxis drove over the hill. I miss the view from the flat rooftops of the concrete buildings as the strong and vibrant sun kisses the horizon. I miss Mexico and all of the friendships that I made while I was there, but most importantly, I miss my life and who I was when I was studying abroad. Everyday I reminisce of my time in Mexico through indescribable moments and images that play in my head. Often times, I’m filled with beauty and laughter, emotions that...