One Place and One Love?

I wish that I could freely and openly write without filtering myself, but unfortunately I feel as though I don't have a choice. Since we live in a world that uses the internet to judge us before an interview for a job, I want to take all precautions when posting anything for the world to see.
For our first weekend out, we stayed at a recommended hostel called Sanlutin Youth Hostel. During our stay at the hotel for a week (while our room was getting fumigated) , we met a couple who gave us some tips and suggestions on where to go and what not to do. It took us so many twists and turns to find the hostel because while one person would point us to one direction, another would tell us to turn around. Four of the girls took a taxi with the address of the hostel in Chinese while Michaela and I were persistent on finding it on our own two feet. After asking more hotels and restaurants, we discovered the hidden hostel. The Sanlutin Youth Hostel felt like a home away from home. The inclusive space had flags from all over the world as well as images, food options, and beers from different places. Throughout our stay there, travelers came in and out of the area with stories about their reasonings for being in China. Most were here on business, interning or working, while some were here for educational purposes and even more were here just in passing. One of the first person that we met there was a teacher from Scotland. He was rooming with some of the girls, traveling alone. His name was Liam and he was on a seven week traveling extravaganza starting in Beijing, then on to Shanghai, and Hong Kong, then back to Scotland. He came with us to the Temple of Heaven the next day and spent the evening out. Liam lived simply, the smallest pleasures gave him enjoyment, the little things he found the most appreciative. A lover of traveling he had gone to North America, South America, Europe, and Southeast Asia. I enjoyed our long conversations about Scotland, the experiences that he has had while abroad, the scariest being when he was held gunpoint on his birthday in Europe. He told me that if I ever get the chance that I should fly to Bolivia, take a boat to this lake away from the city and watch the sky. It was the most beautiful, bright, brilliant sight he had ever seen.
The Temple of Heaven did not live up to my expectations, but perhaps I shouldn't have had any to begin with. I was more interested in reading about the historical information than actually visiting the temples and buildings. I learned about how the sacrificing of animals occurred in the palace and the echoing walls and about the Heavenly Centre Stone that contained 9 rings with different numbers on each section to represent the heavens. The sign read, "If one speaks standing on the Heavenly Centre Stone, their voice will be particularly resonant and sonorous." Interestingly, there were several photo shoots taking place of weddings and prom nights. Thin girls dressed in long, elegant dresses standing next to men in formal expensive suits was something that I had not anticipated to see at a cultural monument. After we walked around the Temple of Heaven, we made our way to the Pearl Market. 80% of the items found there from Michael Kors, Guess, to Mac makeup and Beats headphones are fake but it was entertaining to barter with them. There were several moments when a lady grabbed my hand aggressively, urging me to buy something and I refused. They all spoke amazing English and they knew how to sweet talk their customers. The Pearl Market had six floors, each section had a focus on what was being sold with the top floor selling pearls and jewelry.

Later that evening we went out to a high rooftop bar where we had to climb several flights of stairs. The view was absolutely spectacular. Tall glassed buildings towered above us and although the smog smothered the stars, this was a view that I could never forget. The social setting made it easy to talk to strangers. I met a man from Germany who was working for Mercedes Benz with other colleagues. He spoke perfect English and his accent, although strong, was subtle compared to the harsh language of Germany. Since being here, I have met so many people from all over the world. How can anyone possibly stay in one place or fall in love with one person? I don't like the idea of falling in love with an idea and not going forth with it. I am in love with the idea of traveling, but it's more than just an idea, it's my reality. It has never made sense to me to stay in one place but even being here proves it more. The world, composed of over 7 billion people and hundreds of countries for us to explore seems to good to be true. So why not take advantage of the rich opportunities that exist for us? 

As this picture shows, we finally did find the Friends cafe! It was located on the 6th floor of a huge complex that looked like an office. I was way more excited than I should be to go to a cafe. The cute replica of Central Perk owned by a Chinese version of Gunther was the perfect end to my Monday at work. At the cafe are pictures of the characters, even the cupcakes were named after them. There were about 6 journals on a shelf, each had a couple of entries written in them from others who have found the place. One was written by someone from California and I wrote and signed a small note from Oregon. 


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