Paris- Third Times the Charm

Within a 2-week blur, I submitted my Master’s project, walked in my graduation, packed up my room (my life), visited my mom on the coast and somehow, flew to Paris. The days came by so quickly, each day passing faster than the next, that I did not have a full grasp of how I felt about leaving Eugene. I had spent the last five years there, all of which were for my studies, but I grew to admire the small but loud town. In addition to my old friends that lived there or near there, I made new friends with my cohort, found a passionate running community and felt so so comfortable. I knew the best sunset views, the most charming local cafes, the cheapest (and most expensive) delicious food, which hidden alleys had apple trees and which ones had grape vines- the list is endless. But as always, I was itching for more. With the completion of my 15- months Master’s program, I am embarking on an ( un)organized adventure. My first destination? Paris, France. City of Ligh...