Traveling in my Early 20's

Amongst a list of questions that I receive when traveling, on the top of that list is: How do you afford to travel at such a young age? This question is most asked by friends and peers back home. The truth is, it is not easy. My love for traveling started a couple of years ago when I went to Louisiana as part of a service trip put on by the university. Before that trip, I had never really left the Pacific Northwest. I was 19 years old and felt as if I could conquer the world without knowing it first. Then after that trip, I searched for other opportunities to travel and help others. The cost of traveling was an obvious burden until I found a program called Camp Adventur e. It was the perfect opportunity as a young and curious university student studying international relations. It helped me with traveling while working with children. Because of this program, I've had the opportunity to go to China and the following year to Germany. The program paid for both of my tickets and ev...