Say YES to the unknown.

Whatever is holding you back from attending that information session, from starting an application, from participating in one of the most life-changing experiences, let it go. Let go of your fear of leaving the country, of being in a foreign land, of moving away from all of your close friends and family. Let go of the person that is telling you to stay because they can't "live without you", let go of the mindset that you have of any particular country, and open your mind to the new possibilities that exist when you choose to study abroad. Now is the time to make all of the hurtful, unintentional mistakes in your life, to live for yourself and for your community, to go out in the world and learn about a culture that isn't your own, a language that fascinates you and to connect with people from every corner of the globe. It's been over a month here in Mexico and I have already learned more than I could ever in a classroom. Sunday the 4th of October, I was feeling...